Domestic Goat and Pygmy Goat
Africa, Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe
Female (Doe or Nanny) / Male (Buck or Billy)
60-80 Ibs Domestic Goat / 20-50Ibs Pygmy Goat
Have been known to live up to as long as 25 years; although on average is 10+ years
Most commonly used animal around the World, with over 300 different types. Estimation Worldwide 400+ million

Goats will graze mainly on vegetation and when domesticated a seed mix. They are notorious for their curiosity and for trying anything to eat, such as paper and cardboard etc. and if you stand close enough, they may even have a nibble of you.
Goats are vital to the economies of millions of families around the world as they are easy to keep, they produce milk and their coats can be made into clothes and they are a useful food source.
Goats can be distinguished by 2 horns on the top of their head, a beard below their chin and a small upright tail. Pygmy goats, as the name suggests are very small and are also known as dwarf goats.
Sometimes farmers use male goats to pull small vehicles when doing farm chores.
Goats can be distinguished by 2 horns on the top of their head, a beard below their chin and a small upright tail. Pygmy goats, as the name suggests are very small and are also known as dwarf goats.
Pregnancy lasts for 150 days and usually only 1-3 kids are born.
Nanny goats can produce milk which can then be turned into butter and cheese products. Cashmere is a product of a goats coat, which can be made into clothing items such as shawls and jumpers.
In Greek Mythology the god ‘Pan’ was said to have the horns and legs of a goat and was associated with bad behaviour. The goat is also part of the zodiac in the Chinese calendar.